
The image competition is a celebration of the extraordinary union of science and art for the 20th anniversary of the FBM and FGSE at UNIL. We are pleased to introduce the jury members who will have the difficult task of selecting the best works in the category: "sustainability".

Here are the jury members:

  • Nelly Niwa

    Nelly Niwa

    Director of the UNIL Sustainability Competence Center

  • Renaud Du Pasquier

    Renaud Du Pasquier

    Vice-Dean of Communication, Strategy and Sustainability FBM-UNIL

  • Marie-Elodie Perga

    Marie-Elodie Perga

    Vice-Dean of Research, Communication, and Quality FGSE-UNIL

  • Felix Imhof

    Felix Imhof


  • Veneta Gerganova

    Veneta Gerganova

    Co-president of [Figure 1.A.], Science Communication. Former post-doctoral researcher at FBM-UNIL.

  • Laura Merlini

    Laura Merlini

    Co-president of [Figure 1.A.]. Scientific collaborator at UNIGE. Former post-doctoral researcher at FBM-UNIL.

  • Carolina Elejalde

    Carolina Elejalde

    Graphic Designer [Figure 1.A.], UNIL-FBM Alumni

The jury will evaluate each submission based on its connection to the theme of "sustainability", its visual impact, and creativity.

Stay tuned to find out the winners who will be announced at the "FBM Summer Evening", on June 20, 2024.


The winners (the top 3 images from each category) will receive an entry to the "Night of Museums 2024" in Lausanne, a UNIL souvenir, and a high-quality printed version of their image.

All winners will be mentioned on the contest's website and on all the websites and social media channels of [Figure 1.A.] and the FBM & FGSE. Prizes will be handed over to these individuals during the "FBM Summer Evening" (on June 20, 2024) and via email.

The top 3 winning images from both categories will be printed and exhibited during the "FBM Summer Evening". Subsequently, the winning images will be displayed in various buildings of the FBM and FGSE.